Module 6 - Preparing for 'Step 2: Apply'

Goals of this module:

  1. To set the scene for Step 2
  2. To help you schedule and track progress with your team / athletes

"The foundation of performing under pressure is balance. It’s not some kind of killer instinct or some great ability to handle psychological pressure. It comes from how you are balanced in life.”

Give them the why

Start by sending athletes a login to the program and ask them to go through it before you start the season. It should take about 10-15 minutes. This is key as it will help them see how the Mentally Strong Program can help them. 

You'll notice there is now a new button for you in the main menu 'Coach'. You can visit this at any time to add athletes and track their progress.

Athlete using ipad

Set a date

Pick a date to start the program. Ideally it would be the start of the season, but different timelines work for different teams.

Pins on a calendar

Themed Weeks

The first 3 weeks are designed to walk you through a variety of activities—Bio Week, Psycho Week and Social Week. You can decide what order to do the weeks.

For each week, you’ll be given a list of 4 activities to try out that week. We recommend at least two, but you can also do all 4 If you like. 


Do some prep work

Activities are designed to be quick and easy to understand, but it can be helpful to take a few minutes to read the descriptions and/or watch the videos before you introduce an activity to the team. 


Check the boxes!

After you complete an activity, check off that you’ve finished it. 

Once you’ve finished all three weeks, we'll share some more activities and resources. Simply pick two activities to continue doing for the rest of the season. 

Screenshot of Mentally Strong

Thanks for your time!

Click "Finish" to complete the final module in Step 1: Learn - and we'll then move you over to Step 2: Apply! 👉

Woman waving